Welcome To Momma Pearls Daycare
Welcome To Momma Pearls Daycare

Teamwork is Important to Us


Successful teamwork between parents and educators is important to us because it reflects on the child's development.


That's why we have a culture of teamwork at Momma Pearls Daycare Home. There is constant interaction between parents and educators as we plan excursions, activities, parties and potty training.


Our current parent-teacher projects:

  • "Reading Hour" workgroup
    The parents of children have the opportunity to read a story to the classroom.
  • Organization of "Father-Child Day" and "Mother-Child Day"
    Momma Pearls Daycare Home hosts a Father-Child Day event & Mother-Child Day event. The day's activities are planned by our educators and members of the parent working group.
  • Room Parent
    We ask a parent to be an honorary room parent to spend an hour inside the classroom to assist in art projects, music class, etc.  The parents act as a volunteer and get to interact with their children and classmates. (Background checks may have to be completed)


We're always grateful for support above and beyond the call of duty.

Contact us to find out what you can do!


Momma Pearls Daycare Home

2909 Monet Place

Dallas, TX 75287



Malissa Singleton 



(214) 991-4250


Business hours


7:00am to 5:30pm


Or use our contact form.

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